
Reaching for the stars, one launch at a time

2024 Spaceport America Cup

The Spaceport America Cup is the world's largest intercollegiate rocket engineering conference and competition. Rowan Rocketry is proud to participate in the 10,000 ft competition with our sounding rocket.

10,000 ft Competition

Our team is designing and building a sounding rocket capable of reaching an altitude of 10,000 feet. This challenge pushes our engineering skills to new heights as we strive for precision in our rocket's performance.

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Rocket Launch
Rowan Rocket
Rocket Launch Team
Future Mission

Preliminary Designs

Rocket Launch
Rowan Rocket
Rowan Rocket Design
Future Mission

Our team is currently working on the preliminary designs for our 2025 Spaceport America Cup entry. We're pushing the boundaries of innovation to create a rocket that's not only powerful but also efficient and safe.

Stay tuned for updates on our design process, including 3D models, simulation results, and prototype testing.

View Designs

Cost Estimates

We are in the process of compiling detailed cost estimates for our project. This information is crucial for budgeting and seeking sponsorships. Once finalized, a breakdown of our projected expenses will be available here.

Our goal is to be transparent about our financial needs and to demonstrate the value of investing in our team's vision for the future of rocketry.

See Estimates
Rocket Launch
Rowan Rocket
Rowan Rocket Design
Future Mission